In today's ever-changing creative climate, we photographers have to keep learning new tricks. After several years of designing my own website, my own social media structure and my own PR, I decided to offer some of these services to other clients and I am now offering bespoke web and social media services.
As a photographer, digital designer and artist, I specialise in image-led sites with simple, easy to navigate pages that I can either manage for you on a retainer basis or charge a one-off rate and teach you how to manage it yourself. Every client has different requirements so I aim to be as flexible as possible. I can build in blogs, social media streams and galleries so the site is full of changing content and if you are a new business I can advise on your branding and design you a logo - ideal for a small business looking for a professional and vibrant look. As you can see below I am used to dealing with high-level clients too and I particularly enjoy working with charities.
Contact me at andy@andynewbold.com to discuss your needs.